Monday 21 October 2013

About Me

My name is Bastiaan Steffens, I was born on the 14th of June 1993, in the United States of America in the city of New York. However, I am Dutch, because both my parents are Dutch. I currently live in Amsterdam, this is also where I am currently studying International Sport Management and Business at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam.

If I were to describe myself, it would be simple. I could do it using only one word, sport. Sport has been the red thread through out my life. Sport has had influence on all aspects of my life. From the decisions I make to how it simply makes me happy.

Since about the age of eight I knew I did not enjoy school and that it would be hard to convince me otherwise. So the only thing that would motivate me to go to school was the hour of recess we had per day where I could play sports. From a young age I have already combined school with sport and that was the way I made it bearable for myself. In combination with the realisation that hard work pays off, I am now studying what suits me as a person. A study that combines the theory with the practice, not only in sport but also in the skills I learn in class.

Finally, I like to see myself as; a realist, someone that is able to learn from his own mistakes and someone that does not have any regrets. The two last points may seem contradictory how can I you not regret anything but still make mistakes? From my point of view, a person should be able to not regret mistakes as long as they learn from them. As a person I am extremely content with where I am. I am studying what I want and I have all the things I need. I have gotten to this place with the decisions that I have made over the past years, no matter if they were the good or correct ones, the result is that I am now in a place where I want to be, and that is the realist in me.

Contact me:
My e-mail

My LinkedIn Profile

