Tuesday 22 October 2013

Opinion Article on: Fifa to investigate new allegations over Qatar 2022 World Cup bid

Michael Garcia
The ethics prosecutor Micheal Garcia was appointed by the president of FIFA (Sepp Blatter) to internally investigate the bidding and voting processes of the election of the host countries for the World Cup of 2018 and 2022. The World Cup of 2018 is going to be held in Russia, and the one of 2022 is going to be held in Qatar.

Most of the controversy has risen around the election of Qatar. The two key point of controversy are; temperatures during the summer months and the working conditions. During the months of June and July (when the tournament is supposed to be held) temperatures can sore up to 50 degrees celsius. The organising committee's solution is to air condition the stadiums so to create an environment which in it is possible to play and spectate the game. However, outside of the stadium it will remain 50 degrees celsius, so going to from the stadium is unbearable. Even Sepp Blatter has admitted that these conditions are not suitable for a World Cup. FIFA was le
ft with two options. The first one was to change the hosting country. This is impossible for the FIFA to do because Qatar has already invested a near 100 million dollars in to the development of the World Cup. If the FIFA were to strip Qatar of the World Cup they could claim back all their invested money, which is a sum the FIFA cannot afford. The second propositions is to move the 2022 World Cup to the winter season, this seems more plausible, this does however interfere with the Winter Olympics of Sochi, the Champions League and the Premier League. Up to this day there has been no decision on wether the World Cup of 2022 will be moved.

The question of temperature also falls under the second point of controversy. The working conditions. There have been numerous reports and articles that have shown that the working conditions are abominable. In Qatar, as a worker you are bound by the kafala system. This system can almost be seen as a system of captive labour. For an employee to change job, the respective sponsoring employer's consent has to be given. If an employee wants to leave the country, the employer also has to grant a visa, so that they can leave. The system can also be used as blackmail, because if an employee tries to sue or walk out, the employer can tell the authorities they have absconded and the employee will be arrested. In addition, an article from the Guardian states that in the past 9 months, 312 stadium construction workers have passed away whilst constructing the stadiums for the World Cup of 2022. Up until now, it seems that the FIFA has turned a blind eye to the situation because there has not been any real response to these allegations.

From a point of view of a person that is looking on the situation, it seems like these problems could have seen the light of day long time before Qatar was elected to host the World Cup of 2022. I am thus curious in the results of Micheal Garcia. Even though he is paid by the FIFA, Mr. Garcia seems to be unbiased and has been quoted to say: "No one is above the ethics code. I have no history and I will call it on the fact. But it has to be based on an allegation and that allegation has to be backed up by the facts. That same standard and process is applied to everyone." I think Sepp Blatter made a mistake by choosing Mr. Garcia because if there was any misconduct, it might cost him his own head.  

Fifa to investigate new allegations over Qatar 2022 World Cup bid - The Guardian

How many more must die for Qatar's World Cup? - The Guardian

Fifa ethics chief Michael Garcia confident about investigation - BBC
